McCain Institute

McCain Institute - Alumni Fund

McCain Institute - Alumni Fund

McCain Institute - Alumni Fund

Learn more about your impact

To become a member of the McCain Alumni Club, you could have served under Sen. John McCain on the Hill, worked on one of his congressional or presidential campaigns, volunteered, shared a cappuccino or two along the way, laughed at the same old joke at least three times, ridden the Straight Talk Express or worked with him to advance one of the many causes he championed.

The McCain Alumni Club launched in 2019 with members who made a gift of $250 or more a year. Gifts support the McCain Institute for International Leadership and its efforts to preserve and maintain McCain's legacy.

Membership levels

  • $5,000 — Lifetime membership (a one-time donation that can be paid in full or in monthly installments)
  • $500 — Two annual memberships (one for yourself and one for someone still working in the trenches that can be paid in full or in monthly installments).
  • $250 — Annual membership (can be paid in full or in monthly installments).


  • Prominent listing on the McCain Institute website.
  • Invitation to annual McCain Alumni Club receptions (will include Phoenix and Washington, D.C.).
  • Opportunity to vote annually to allocate club-raised funds within the McCain Institute.
  • Invitation to submit nominations for McCain Institute awards (Award for Courage and Leadership, In the Arena Award).
  • Limited edition “McCainiac” apparel (one-time benefit).
  • Advance notice of special events and programs.
  • Reserved seating at McCain Institute events.

Impact of Donor Support

  • Donors bring the world’s brightest minds to Arizona by supporting endowed chairs and professorships.
  • Leaders rise to the top. The Tip of the Fork program enables Sun Devil student-athletes to develop leadership skills through volunteering in their community.
  • Entrepreneurship thrives at ASU. Two examples: The Prepped program supporting minority entrepreneurs has fueled 100 small businesses.
  • And the Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative has supported 1,000+ students and 297 unique ventures over 15 years.
McCain Institute - Alumni Fund
McCain Institute - Alumni Fund

Many of these students have gone home where they are successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, impact investors and senior government officials. The come home with a powerful American business education taught in a culturally sensitive environment, and respectful of the nuances of our cultural differences."

Marshall Parke

'77 master’s in international management, whose established the SHARE fellowship program providing scholarship and mentorship support to students from emerging markets around the world

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