Ed Pastor Congressional Papers Project

Ed Pastor Congressional Papers Project

Ed Pastor Congressional Papers Project

Learn more about your impact

Your support helps arrange, rehouse and describe the collection of Ed Pastor's congressional documents and papers in a way that will provide more understanding of its contents and importance while also increasing visibility in the life and legacy of Congressman Ed Pastor.

For more than four decades, Congressman Ed Pastor was a guiding star in the field of public service for Arizonans. Growing up in Claypool, Arizona, Pastor was the first in his family to graduate from college, and he used that education to change his own life and better the community. As a teacher, director of a nonprofit organization and ultimately the first Mexican-American congressman to represent the state of Arizona, Pastor left an indelible mark on both the local community and the national political landscape. 

Your generosity helps with archival work of the Ed Pastor Papers collection. Your donations help fund a professional archivist and student workers to inventory, organize, categorize and scan historic documents and artifacts. Thanks to your generosity, these resources will be available to researchers and community members.

Impact of Donor Support

Your support will help fund a professional archivist and student workers to inventory, organize, categorize and scan historic documents and artifacts in the Ed Pastor Papers collection to make them available for researchers and community members.

Ed Pastor Congressional Papers Project
Ed Pastor Congressional Papers Project

"I believe it is important that while students are at the university, they are able to engage in the political process, because this democracy needs to have people engaged."

Ed Pastor


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