Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering - School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment

Center for Hydrologic Innovations

Center for Hydrologic Innovations

Learn more about your impact

The Center for Hydrologic Innovations is a hub of water science and engineering research at Arizona State University. Our faculty, postdoctoral researchers and students work collaboratively to bring new technologies into the hands of those who need them most. Your gift fosters the creation of new areas for hydrologic innovations and impact.

These are a subset of our Solutions Spaces, see

  • Forest health and water resilience
  • Droughts and hydrologic impacts
  • Urban water and green infrastructure
  • Irrigated crops and water use

Impact of Donor Support

Your gift makes a difference! Support the Center for Hydrologic Innovations in our efforts to:

  • Train the next-generation of water professionals
  • Build collaborative networks with industry and agency leaders
  • Invest in strategic initiatives and solutions
  • Attract talent to help solve Arizona’s water challenges

I believe ASU is a major life force in our community and I want to do my part to help it thrive."

ASU donor Jeremy Meek

’09 construction management

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