Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions

EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop

EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop

EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop

Learn more about your impact

Gifts to the EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop support the attendance of Bill Anderson Fund fellows at the ASU organized and hosted workshop dedicated to the professional advancement of Bill Anderson Fund fellows. Bill Anderson Fund fellows are underrepresented U.S. students pursuing a hazards-, disasters-, or emergency management-related graduate degree. The fund pays for the travel, lodging, and hosting expenses associated with the attendance of BAF fellows at the ASU BAF workshops. At the ASU BAF workshops, BAF fellows are exposed to the unique disaster threats and risks affecting the American Southwest and will access and interact with ASU faculty, expertise, and innovation.

Impact of Donor Support

Donors bring the world’s brightest minds to Arizona by supporting endowed chairs and professorships.
EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop
EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop
EMHS Bill Anderson Workshop

I believe ASU is a major life force in our community and I want to do my part to help it thrive."

ASU donor Jeremy Meek

’09 construction management

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