School for the Future of Innovation in Society

Abe and Sylvia Guston Scholarship Endowment Fund

Abe and Sylvia Guston Scholarship Endowment Fund

Abe and Sylvia Guston Scholarship Endowment Fund

Learn more about your impact

Your gift to the Abe and Sylvia Guston Scholarship Endowment Fund helps first-generation students succeed in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society. Abe and Sylvia Guston, the paternal grandparents of SFIS founding director David Guston, were both immigrants of modest educational attainment. The scholarship honors their encouragement, commitment, and sacrifices in support of their son Herbert Guston, who graduated both college and law school, and in helping instill a love of learning across generations.

Impact of Donor Support

  • More learners can pursue higher education. Thanks to our donors, more than 7,000 ASU students have received upwards of $32 million in scholarships with more than $39 million raised.
  • More students succeed. ASU ranks #1 among the state’s public universities for its 86% first-year retention rate thanks in part to donor-funded student success initiatives.
  • Important initiatives continue. More than $320 million in new gifts and commitments support ongoing initiatives at ASU.
  • The spirit of generosity abounds. In the past year, more than 100,000 individual, corporate and foundation donors stepped forward to help the ASU community.
Abe and Sylvia Guston Scholarship Endowment Fund
Abe and Sylvia Guston Scholarship Endowment Fund

We choose to invest in ASU because of its agility, speed and focus on innovation. The Swette Center engages in cross-disciplinary research and collaborates with many partners, including private sector leaders, to create food systems change.”

Kelly Swette

CEO of Sweet Earth Natural Foods, who with her husband Brian, gave a gift to establish the Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems at ASU

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