Biodesign Institute

Autism Research Using Gut Microbiomes

Autism Research Using Gut Microbiomes

Autism Research Using Gut Microbiomes

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There is increasing evidence suggesting a link between autism and the gastrointestinal microbiome. Supporting research involves microbial community characterization of beneficial bacterial samples from participants with autism spectrum disorder, as well as isolation and purification of genetic material, sequencing and bioinformatics analysis before and after treatment with beneficial microbes from people without autism spectrum disorder. It also involves the preservation of samples and possible enrichment of community members that provide beneficial functions.


Autism research involves microbial community characterization of beneficial bacterial samples from participants with autism spectrum disorder studies as well as isolation and purification of genetic material, sequencing and bioinformatic analysis before and after treatment with beneficial microbes from people without autism spectrum disorder. It also involves the preservation of samples and possible enrichment of community members that provide beneficial functions. Funds will support the purchase of research supplies, instruments and services to conduct laboratory and clinical experiments to accomplish these goals. Funds may also pay for research professionals who will conduct and disseminate the research through publications, meetings and outreach.

Your gift to the Autism Research Using Gut Microbiomes Fund contributes to research supplies, instruments and services to conduct laboratory and clinical experiments to accomplish these goals. You also support research professionals who will conduct and disseminate the research through publications, meetings and outreach.

Impact of Donor Support

  • The Virginia G. Piper Center for Personalized Diagnostics works to identify predictive biomarkers and understand the molecular underpinnings of human diseases.
  • ASU’s new Health Futures Center provides fresh intersections with Mayo Clinic to transform healthcare, including state-of-the-art facilities to support medical research, learning and entrepreneurship.
  • The ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center advances the discovery of disease mechanisms, risk factors, biomarkers and drugs for the understanding, detection, tracking, treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.
Autism Research Using Gut Microbiomes
Autism Research Using Gut Microbiomes

We believe ASU Biodesign is producing some of the most innovative cancer research in the country."

ASU donor Sandra LaCava

whose Dorothy Foundation has channeled more than $100,000 to support the institute’s cancer research

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