Biodesign Institute
Biodesign Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics
Biodesign Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics
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The Biodesign Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics is designing biomimetic materials at the molecular level to develop a versatile biomimetic toolbox. Our immediate goal is to engineer an array of intelligent materials spanning scales from angstrom to macro. We are laying the foundation for a new field of research informally referred to as "angstrom technology." The power of information-coded angstrom technology, a transformative extension of nanotechnology, lies in the potential to mimic natures way of controlling molecular interactions with angstrom spatial resolution.
Impact of Donor Support
“You can consider me a molecular artist,” says Hao Yan. See how his artistry — in the form of nanorobots — is helping to cure cancer.
We believe ASU Biodesign is producing some of the most innovative cancer research in the country."