McCain Institute

McCain Institute - National Security

McCain Institute - National Security

McCain Institute - National Security

Learn more about your impact

A leading national security strategist of his generation, Senator John McCain championed effective and humane policies to fight terrorism at home and across the globe – work that the McCain Institute’s National Security and Counterterrorism (NSCT) program continues today. Efforts are centered around building the capacity of the next generation of character-driven leaders in national security and bolstering our Five Eyes intelligence alliance between the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Each year, the McCain Institute selects a group of character-driven leaders as fellows — young women and men of extraordinary achievement who have demonstrated their commitment to national security and counterterrorism work in the Five Eyes partner nations. The program prepares these individuals for future leadership opportunities and builds a professional network that connects them in a meaningful and enduring way. Executed in partnership with the Australian National University, the fellowship includes three weeklong visits to the following Five Eyes capitals: Washington, D.C., London, and Canberra.

“We fight for love of freedom and justice, a love that is invincible.”

Senator John McCain

Impact of Donor Support

• Your contribution brings together the best and brightest young leaders from Five Eyes nations to create an enduring network of character-driven leaders in the fields of national security and counterterrorism.
• Helps us shape a secure future and continue to rise as a world-renowned national and international institution.

McCain Institute - National Security

Many of these students have gone home where they are successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, impact investors and senior government officials. The come home with a powerful American business education taught in a culturally sensitive environment, and respectful of the nuances of our cultural differences."

Marshall Parke

'77 master’s in international management, whose established the SHARE fellowship program providing scholarship and mentorship support to students from emerging markets around the world

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