McCain Institute
McCain Human Rights and Freedom
McCain Human Rights and Freedom

Learn more about your impact
This program works to protect and advance individual human rights and freedom around the world in this new era of great power competition against autocratic adversaries. The program will maintain its present work combatting human trafficking while broadening its scope to tackle a wider set of human rights abuses.
Inspired by the legacy and values of former U.S. Sen. John McCain and Ambassador Cindy McCain, our program is grounded in the belief that every individual possesses an inherent dignity that affords them fundamental rights and freedoms. While this principle of human dignity forms the foundation for the American Declaration of Independence and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is very much under threat today by three interrelated causes — authoritarian repression of individual rights, rising global fragility, and weak regulatory frameworks.
The program focuses on promoting a values-based American foreign policy and addressing egregious violations of individual rights by authoritarian regimes. It also works to combat human trafficking and forced labor in global supply chains by using data-driven research to advocate for, and implement, comprehensive, action-based solutions.
Your gift will help support drive systemic change and spur bold action to prevent human rights violations from occurring and to hold perpetrators accountable.

A world where the human rights of more people in more places are secure is not only a more just world, it's a safer world."
Impact of Donor Support
Your gift helps:
- Spur American policymakers and other key stakeholders to take bold action to prevent human rights violations and hold perpetrators accountable.
- Support thought leadership that advances Sen. McCain's vision for American foreign policy.
- Drive the development of innovative tools to transform anti-trafficking responses and prevention strategies.
- Bring together policymakers, practitioners, human rights advocates, subject matter experts, leaders from business and civil society, and journalists to identify more effective solutions and push policy change.

I believe ASU is a major life force in our community and I want to do my part to help it thrive."