Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation

MLFC Study Abroad Fund

MLFC Study Abroad Fund

MLFC Study Abroad Fund

Learn more about your impact

The many study abroad experiences offered by the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation enable students to meet and work with diverse populations and broaden their skill set as they prepare to enter the education field. The MLFC Study Abroad Scholarship Fund provides financial support to students with good academic standing whose studies would greatly benefit from studying abroad. Students are encouraged to practice teaching in another language and experience the culture of many of their future students. Your gift alleviates the burden of travel costs and program fees for these students, who become more successful and effective educators through such experiences.

It's really good to work with people of diverse backgrounds, who speak different languages and have different experiences because, ultimately you never know who you're going to end up working with because, in schools, students come from so many different walks of life."

Frannie Winters, '19 secondary education

Impact of Donor Support

  • More learners can pursue higher education. Thanks to our donors, more than 7,000 ASU students have received upwards of $32 million in scholarships with more than $39 million raised.
  • More students succeed. ASU ranks #1 among the state’s public universities for its 86% first-year retention rate thanks in part to donor-funded student success initiatives.
  • Important initiatives continue. More than $320 million in new gifts and commitments support ongoing initiatives at ASU.
  • The spirit of generosity abounds. In the past year, more than 100,000 individual, corporate and foundation donors stepped forward to help the ASU community.
MLFC Study Abroad Fund
MLFC Study Abroad Fund

I believe ASU is a major life force in our community and I want to do my part to help it thrive."

ASU donor Jeremy Meek

’09 construction management

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