The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Boggess Family Foundation Scholarship in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Boggess Family Foundation Scholarship in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

Learn more about your impact

Through this scholarship, the Boggess Family Foundation wants to support a full-time student with financial need pursuing a major in the mathematical and statistical sciences. Albert and Nancy Boggess were career astronomers at NASA and had major roles in several important NASA missions. For example, Nancy Boggess was one of the scientists who worked on the Cosmic Background Explorer which led to the Nobel Prize in Physics, 2006, for precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation that was left over from the Big Bang. Albert Boggess was the chief project scientist on the Hubble Space Telescope which was launched by NASA in 1990. Through this scholarship, the Boggess family hopes to make it easier for students to pursue degrees in the mathematical and statistical sciences and reap the benefits that such an education can provide.

Impact of Donor Support

  • More learners can pursue higher education. In 2022, 22,000 donors contributed $66.3 million for scholarships.
  • More students succeed. ASU ranks #1 among the state’s public universities for its 86% first-year retention rate thanks in part to donor-funded student success initiatives.
  • And donors helped ASU offer more than 4,500 hours of free tutoring.

Our family believes in giving back and sharing the blessings we have received financially and through our time."

Dave Derminio

’74 BS in business, former ASU golfer who supports student-athletes through the Derminio Family Sun Devil Golf Scholarship

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