Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

Summer Research Internships (SURI) Program

Summer Research Internships (SURI) Program

Summer Research Internships (SURI) Program

Learn more about your impact

The Summer Research Internships (SURI) Program provides undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a masters or PhD with a chance to work alongside engineering faculty and corporate partners on innovative research during a summer program. This eight-week program on the ASU campus allows students to participate in research in all disciplines of engineering. Your generosity helps engineering students gain engineering research experience at a top research university and an in-depth understanding of what it would be like to pursue a PhD degree.

This upcoming summer, I will be participating in Fulton’s Summer Research Internship (SURI). I am so excited to work on a project that will apply my engineering skills to real world solutions that engineers work on every day."

Anna Bethke, student, Electrical Engineering

Impact of Donor Support

In 2022:

  • 62 students from 19 universities across the world
  • 40 students from 10 different universities within the United States
  • 21 students from international universities (India, Colombia)
  • 37 students conducted in-person research
  • 25 students conducted virtual/remote research
  • 12 Underrepresented minority students
Summer Research Internships (SURI) Program

SURI provides an opportunity to connect and engage with students at all levels, from mentorship to social activities.

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