Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

The Richard D. Filley Make A Difference Award

The Richard D. Filley Make A Difference Award

The Richard D. Filley Make A Difference Award

Learn more about your impact

At Arizona State University – America’s Most Innovative University – entrepreneurship flourishes across the student body. This is especially true within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, where undergraduate students and alumni have won a disproportionately high number of entrepreneurship and startup product and venture awards in university-wide, local, national, and international startup and entrepreneurship competitions.

Impact of Donor Support

Through existing ASU Venture Development programs, The Richard D. Filley ‘Make a Difference’ Award seeks to identify promising undergraduate engineering student candidates whose demonstrated entrepreneurial accomplishments and future startup potential merit recognition, encouragement, and a grant award. Winners are selected by a committee selected and convened by E+I @ Fulton administrators each spring.

The Richard D. Filley Make A Difference Award

I created this award to help continue the success of ASU students by identifying promising entrepreneurial engineering students early in their studies, and through a competitive nomination and selection process, rewarding the winner(s) most likely to make a difference and change the world as an entrepreneur"

Dick Filley

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