ASU in Hawaii

Hope for the planet

Arizona State University’s growing commitment and engagement in Hawaiʻi is rooted in our charter values. When ASU established its charter in 2014, it pledged to focus every ounce of energy and every asset on the success of students and on the success of the communities we serve — locally, nationally and internationally.

ASU is a comprehensive public research university measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.

ASU’s work on the islands reflects our charter commitment to support and recognize communities and culture through education, research and shared knowledge exchange.

ASU in Hawaii

Hawaiʻi is in many ways a microcosm of the global community—a small and close-knit place where big ideas and big challenges converge in complex ways. The most urgent issues facing our world today — climate change, sustainability, racial and economic justice, and more — are particularly relevant on the islands, and the actions that Hawaiʻi residents, tourists, businesses and policymakers take today will shape the future of the globe in important ways.

From its progressive energy and climate policies to its engagement with Indigenous knowledge, Hawaiʻi remains a bright spot of hope for the planet; we believe it is a critical place for ASU if the university is to achieve its goal to provide global access to education that acknowledges Indigenous knowledge systems and sustainability principles. We believe a reciprocal, sharing relationship will benefit ASU and the state.

Click below to learn the ways in which ASU and Hawaiʻi are working together for our shared benefit and how you can support this important cause.

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