Watts College - School of Public Affairs

Mechanics of Democracy Laboratory

Mechanics of Democracy Laboratory

Mechanics of Democracy Laboratory

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Today, in our country people are focused on the mechanics of democracy – how we run elections - in a way that we never have before. That’s why ASU has created the Mechanics of Democracy Laboratory to train those who aspire to have a career in election administration. We also intend to research to improve the efficiency of our elections. But it’s more than that. We know that elections are run well in this country but because of the misinformation about elections, we face a communications challenge and that’s why at MODL we are partnering with the media, with the ASU Cronkite School in Downtown Phoenix, and even beyond the walls of ASU to tell the remarkable story of the mechanics of democracy in this country. 

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time...

Winston Churchill

Impact of Donor Support

  • Empowering future leaders
  • Advancing research & innovation
  • Combating misinformation
  • Strengthening democracy
  • Broadening collaboration
Mechanics of Democracy Laboratory
Mechanics of Democracy Laboratory

Many of these students have gone home where they are successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, venture capitalists, impact investors and senior government officials. The come home with a powerful American business education taught in a culturally sensitive environment, and respectful of the nuances of our cultural differences."

Marshall Parke

'77 master’s in international management, whose established the SHARE fellowship program providing scholarship and mentorship support to students from emerging markets around the world

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